ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Genesis - Alisia Dragoon
Cheat Mode:
As soon as you turn on the genesis, hold down A and keep it held until the GAME ARTS screen disappears. Now release it andpress B until the GAINAX logo disappears. Release it and then hold down C until the MECANO logo disappears. Finally, releaseC and press START. Connect a second controlpad and the wonderous delights are at your disposal:Pad 2: Press A to freeze the game; press it rapidly for a slow-motion mode. Pressing C will skip you to a later part of the level, and B toget back into the game.To get to a different part of the level, press any of these combinations directly after pressing C: Stage | Button(s) | Stage | Button(s) |
1 | C | 2 | B | 3 | B, C | 4 | A | 5 | A, C | 6 | A, B | 7 | A, B, C | 8 | START |
Pad 1: Feeze the game by pressing A on pad 2, then press the following directions for more cheats. (You have to hold the direction downuntil the freeze mode deactivates itself.) Direction | Description |
UP | Restores your HP. | LEFT | Raises your Lightning power by one. | RIGHT | Raises the power of your current monster by one. |
Contributed by: Anonymous Source: Unknown
Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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Some images obtained from AWGA
Some images ©LucasArts
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