ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Nintendo 64 - Rouge Squadron
Pilot a Naboo Starfighter:
Type in HALIFAX? as your passcode. Select "Enter Code" and type in !YNGWIE!. Now, select "Enter Code" again to have access to the Naboo Starfighter from Episode I. Go to the passcodes screen and put in HALIFAX? as your code and hit enter. You will hear a buzz, next enter !YNGWIE! as your code and hit enter again. Another buzz but the code did work, go to any non-snowspeeder mission, select the Naboo Fighter in the docking bay and enjoy!Then the V-Wing will be replaced with a 1969 Buick Electra 225 convertible at the ship selection screen.
Contributed by: Brian Larson Source: Unknown
V-Wing Boosters:
The engine boosters of the V-Wing can be used to your advantage. Note the speed and distance that one boost gives. When travelling far, use them when near the destination.
Contributed by: Brian Larson Source: Unknown
Kasen Moor:
Enter TIEDUP, FARMBOY, and IGIVEUP, then play a level on the TIE Interceptor. Beat it and go to the end of the biographies, but you must have the game beaten for this to work. I think on all silvers but you can try it on another. At the end of the biographies, you will get Kasen moor's history.
Contributed by: Brian Larson Source: Unknown
Cheat Codes:
Click on Settings, then click on the Passcodes box and type in the following codes during gameplay: Code | Description |
CHICKEN | Control AT-ST in a mini game | CREDITS | View credits | DIRECTOR | Lets you view all the cutscenes (Go to High scores menu to view) | IAMDOLLY | Gain Unlimited Lives | MAESTRO | Lets you listen to all the Star Wars Themes (Go To High Scores to listen) | TOUGHGUY | Gives You all Powerups in game | USEDAFORCE | Use any ship available in current level |
Contributed by: Brian Larson Source: Unknown
Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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Some images ©LucasArts
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