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ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Nintendo 64 - Shadows of the Empire


To hear Wampas roar while using the game menus, enter your name exactly as "R_Testers__ROCK".

Contributed by: Anonymous
Source: Unknown

Super Weapons:
To supercharge all your weapons on the Jedi difficulty level, start a game with your name exactly as "Jabba".

Contributed by: Anonymous
Source: Unknown

Be an AT-ST, Storm Trooper and Wampa:
In a new save slot, enter "_Wampa_Stompa"as your name. Under the Controlsmenu in Options, set your control type to traditional.

When the AT-STs apear in the second round of the "Battle of Hoth," press lefton the Direction Pad and press C (right) at the same time. After that, pressLeft Up on the Direction Pad. Now use the C (right) to scroll through thecamera views until you see your AT-ST.

Follow the same directions as in obtaining AT-ST, acceptin the "Escape fromEcho Base" level.

Storm Trooper
Follow the same directions as in obtaining the Wampa (in the" Escape fromEcho Base"level), except begin by pressing Right on the direction Pad and C(right) at the same time.

Contributed by: Anonymous
Source: Unknown

The Big Cheat:
Press all C Buttons, L, R, then Z. Next, press Left on the control pad and move control stick halfway to the left. Now do it again, but press the control stick right instead of left. Now do it once again, pressing left on the control stick instead of right. Then do ityet again, this time press the control stick right. Finally, do it again, but press the control stick to the left. You should see pink text at the top. Now press left and right to cycle through the cheats.

Contributed by: Brian
Source: Unknown

Debug Mode:
Type name as -Stompa--Wompa. The dashes stand for spaces. Put the game skill level on medium. Hold down simultaneously the L Button, R button, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, and Z then push the analog stick halfway to the left, halfway to the right, over and over.You have you have to hold all the buttons down while doing this until the debug screen comes up and shows several cheats. To get the menu back up just press all the same buttons and hold halfway to the left.

Contributed by: Willy
Source: Unknown

Tall as the Ceiling:
On Escape from Echo Base change your controls to traditional and change your view until it looks like your head is on the ceiling you can move around on the ceiling (Note: This will not work on high ceilings).

Contributed by: Nathan Chicoine
Source: Unknown


Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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