ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Playstation - Tomb Raider 4
All Special Items (keys, artifacts, etc.):
First read the important warning above. Use the compass to position Lara facing due north. Then go into the inventory screen. Highlight the large med-pack selection, press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. Then press Square, Triangle, Circle.
Contributed by: George Day Source: Unknown
All Items:
First read the important warning above. Use the compass to position Lara facing due north. Go to the inventory screen and highlight the large med-pack. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
Contributed by: George Day Source: Unknown
All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & Med-packs:
Use the compass to position Lara facing due north. Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small med-pack. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
Contributed by: George Day Source: Unknown
Level Skip:
Use the compass to position Lara facing due north. Go to the inventory screen and highlight Load Game. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen.
Contributed by: George Day Source: Unknown
Cheats Note:
WARNING: Using the all-items/all special items cheats on the PlayStation can result in a serious bug. These cheats may give you all the items in the current level, but they occasionally erase items you've collected previously, including crucial puzzle items. Also, some players have reported being unable to save their game after using the cheats. Proceed with caution. Save your game before entering any cheat and check carefully to make sure you've still got everything you had previously before saving again.
(**NOTE ON FACING NORTH: The compass is on the inventory screen. When Lara is facing due North, the red point on the needle points directly to 'N' and the compass needle turns transparent�at least it does on the consoles and on most PC video cards. If you're having trouble positioning her, find a ledge or block that runs east to west and grab the edge from the south side. Then either let go or climb up and Lara should be facing north. If you find that facing north doesn't work, you might try facing EAST instead. I had an e-mail from one raider who says this worked for him with the PC all-weapons cheat.)
Contributed by: George Day Source: Unknown
Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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