ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Genesis - Zenon 2
Infinite Lives:
Play the game and get a high score. Enter the letters OLD in the high score table. Now play the game again and get a lower score than before, but still high enough to get a high score. Enter AGE in the table. The high score table should now have OLD and AGE in the 1st and 2nd places. Wait for the game to return to attract mode. Now play the game and you should have infinite lives.
Contributed by: FutureNet Source: Unknown
Play the game and get a high score. Enter the letters ARM in the high score table. Now play the game again and get a lower score than before, but still high enough to get a high score. Enter OUR in the table. The high score table should now have ARM and OUR in the 1st and 2nd places. Wait for the game to return to attract mode. Now play the game and you should be indestructible.
Contributed by: FutureNet Source: Unknown
Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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Some images ©LucasArts
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