Code | Description |
BIG BERTHA | Big Catapults |
BIGDADDY | Cool Car w/ Rocket Launcher |
BLACK RIDER | Turns Horse Archer into Black Rider. When killed, it turns into a heavy catapult. |
COINAGE | 1000 Gold |
DIEDIEDIE | All Enemies Die |
DARK RAIN | Advanced Bowmen turn into trees |
E=MC2 TROOPER | Trooper w/ nuclear missles |
FLYING DUTCHMAN | Juggernauts turn into the Flying Dutchman |
GAIA | Control the animals |
HARI KARI | Suicide |
HOME RUN | Win the Scenario |
HOYOHOYO | Priests get alot of speed and 600 hps |
ICBM | Ballista has range of 100 |
JACK BE NIMBLE | Catapults fire wierd things |
KILLX | Where X is the player you want to kill. |
MEDUSA | Villagers become medusa. When killed, they become black riders, then catapults. |
NO FOG | Removes Fog of War |
PHOTON MAN | Get Nuke Trooper w/ a laser. |
QUARRY | 1000 Rock |
RESIGN | You Resign |
REVEAL MAP | The whole map is revealed. |
STEROIDS | Instant Build |
WOODSTOCK | 1000 Wood |
YOUNG MEN | No Population Limit |
ZEUS | Makes troops invisible |