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ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Saturn - Panzer Dragoon


The Ultimate Code:
At the easy game options screen enter Up, X, Right, Y, Down, Z, Left, Y, Up, X. This code acts as if you beat the game on very hard without coninuing. The polygon man becomes a girl, pressing X, Y or Z at the episode screen changes the color of your weapon.

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Polygon Sega Babe:
If you beat the game without dying, the SEGA logo will turn into a Polygon Babe.

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Unlimited Continues:
At the Normal Game + Options screen hit Up, X, Right, Y, Down, Z, Left, Y, Up, X.

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Change the Color of SEGA From Blue to Red:
Press Start at the title screen. At the Normal Game and Options screen press Up, X, Right, Y, Down, Z, Left, Y, Up, X.

You will hear the sound of the dragon being hit if done correctly. Now when you die with no more continues, the red polygon figure will drop down for the word SEGA.

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Dragon Mode:
To play as the dragon only, at the main menu enter the code for improved weapons. Then enter the following:

Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, L, R.

The dragon's shriek will confirm the code. When playing in this mode the only weapon available is the lock-on weapon.

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

View the Video in Which the Wizard Mode is Revealed:
When the game is finished on hard mode, a video of flight through clouds is shown, and the code for Wizard Mode is given as a reward. To view this video, enter the following at the main menu:

Up, Up, Down, Up, Left, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, Right.

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

View the Ending Video and Credits:
At the main menu, enter Up, Up, Down, Up, Right, Right, Left, Right, Down, Down, Up, Down, Left, Left, Right, Left.

The ending video will begin, followed by the credits with some very nice artwork.

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Infinite Continues:
Press "Start" at the first title screen. Press Up, X, Right, Y, Down, Z, Left, Y, Up, X while the words "Normal Game" & "Options" are on the screen.

You should hear a laser-like sound and now have infinite continues.

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Improved Weapons:
At the main menu, enter Up, X, Right, Y, Down, Z, Left, Y, Up, X. A dragon shriek will confirm the code. When you start the game and the episode number appears on screen, hold down the following, depending on which weapons you want for the normal shot and lock-on shot.

Normal Shot

  • X - regular
  • Y - rapid fire
  • Z - most powerful
Lock-on shot
  • A - regular
  • B - fancy, a circling orb appears for each locked-on target
  • C - most powerful

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Episode 0:
At the main menu, enter Up, Up, Up, Down, Don, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, L, R.

This will start Episode 0, in which groups of enemies will approach, and the object is to shoot as many as possible before your energy meter, which decreases slowly, runs out.

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Level Select:
At the main menu, enter Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Y, Z. A menu of episodes will appear.

Contributed by: (does not exist anymore)
Source: Unknown

Harrier Mode:
Set your Saturn's language setting to Deutsch. Then at the game's main menu, enter Up, X, Right, X, Down, X, Left, X, Up, Y, Z.When you start the game, you will be flying without the dragon.

Contributed by: (does not exist anymore)
Source: Unknown

Rolling Mode:
At the main menu enter Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up. "Rolling Mode" will appear onthe screen, and you can now do a barrel roll by tapping twice toward either up+right or up+left.

Contributed by: (does not exist anymore)
Source: Unknown

Wizard Mode:
At the main menu, enter L, R, L, R, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right. "Wizard Mode" will appear on screen, and the game willnow move at a faster rate.

Contributed by: (does not exist anymore)
Source: Unknown

Invincible Mode:
At the main menu enter L, L, R, R, Up, Down, Left, Right. "Invincible Mode" should appear on screen.

Contributed by: (does not exist anymore)
Source: Unknown


Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
Questions? Comments? Send them to [email protected]
Some images obtained from AWGA
Some images ©LucasArts
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