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ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Saturn - TNN Hardcore 4X4


Fiddle with the Mekanixs:
Access the Race Type and choose Time Trial. Access the Key Icon, and highlight "1 Driver" and press A. Choose 4 drivers. Then change the number of laps to one. Access the Edit Names icon. Enter the following names: Fiddle, With, Vehicle, Mekanixs. Press Button B. Move to Begin Race, and Start. While playing, presss Left-shift+Z to bring up a "Fiddle" Menu. Use X and Z to cycle through the options. You can now adjust the gravity, stiffness, spring length, wheel extend, shock absorbers, steering speed, moment of inertia, engine power, and friction factor. Use L and R buttons to adjust the amounts of each.

Contributed by: Dave's Saturn Tips & Tricks
Source: Unknown

Access to All Class Types:
Select the time trial option and then the Key Icon. Choose one Driver and three laps. Move to Edit Names and enter your name as "NOVICE" (two spaces after the word). Press B two times to go back to the main menu. Highlight the Class Option and access it. You will now have access to the Pro and Extreme Classes.

Contributed by: Dave's Saturn Tips & Tricks
Source: Unknown

Three Turbos:
Pause the game and press C, Right, A, Z, Y, C, A, Right (CRAZYCAR)

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Final Lap:
Pause the game and press Left, Left, Left, A, A, Left, Left, Left, A, A, A (LLLAALLLAAA).

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Camera View:
Pause the game and press Right, A, Left, Left, Y, Down, Up, Left, Left (RALLYDULL).

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Go to the War Zone circuit. Then pause the game and press A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A, B, Right, A(ABRACADABRA).The announcer will say, "Attack the track!"

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown

Black Mother Truck:
Pause the game and press B, Left, A, C, C, A, Right(BLACCAR). The announcer will say, "Push it to the max!"

Contributed by:
Source: Unknown


Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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Some images obtained from AWGA
Some images ©LucasArts
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