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ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Super Nintendo - Mortal Kombat


Finishing Moves:
Babality - RN, RN, RN, UP
Friendship - RN, RN, RN, RN, RN, UP
Animality - F, F, U, HP
Fatality 1 - RN, RN, BL, BL, RN+BL (Close)
Fatality 2 - RN, RN, BL, RN, BL (Sweep Distance)
Pit,Spikes,Subway - D, D, D, D, LP
Babality - F, B, F, B, LP
Friendship - RN, RN, D, RN, D(Past Sweep)
Animality - F, F, D, D(Close)
Fatality 1 - B, B, D, HP(Past Sweep)
Fatality 2 - U, U, B, F, BL(Close)
Pit,Spike,Subway - RN, RN, BL
Animality - Hold HP, F, F, D, F, Release HP
Fatality 1 - RN, BL, BL, BL, HK(Close)
Friendship - LP, RN, RN, LP
Fatality 1 - D, F, D, F, BL(Close)
Fatality 2 - F, F, F, F, LK(Far)
Pit,Spike,Subway - F, UP, UP
Friendship - F, F, D, F, HP
Animality - RN, BL, BL, BL, BL(Close)
Fatality 1 - F, D, D, F, LP(Close)
Pit,Spike,Subway - D, F, D, F, LP

Contributed by: David Little
Source: Unknown

Fight a T-1000 Goro:
Fight all three endurance matches with "Rayden". On the third endurance match, make it last three rounds. Then do his finishing move.

Contributed by: Aaron Throneberry
Source: Unknown


Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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Some images obtained from AWGA
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