ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Super Nintendo - Donkey Kong Country 1Here: With tires on moving platforms, move to the left slightly then back. You will find that the tire should have disappeared, so making it easier to get past enemies. At the level where you ride the mine cart, jump down the first hole. If you do this well (you need to place your jump you will warp near the end of the level. When in any stage that you have already completed, to exit it any time press start and select. When on the Enguarde bonus level go directly up, left, right and down to get to secret rooms If the level you are starting has a structure that you enter from, such as an igloo or cave, jump on it five times to make the level harder. After dying alone with Diddy, when Cranky plays his music, hit Down, Y, Down, Down, Y (DYDDY) to earn extra men. Don't feel likegoing through the entire Stop 'n Go Station? Just exit left as soon as you enter the screen and you will warp yourself near the end of the level. With tires on moving platforms, move to the left slightly then back. You will find that the tire should have disappeared, so making it easier to get past enemies. If an ! is after the title of a level, then you have found all the secrets there. When in any stage that you have already completed, to exit it any time press start and select, This also works for the DYDDY cheat, once you have collected enough lives press start and select, The only thing is that you have to lose a game previously before doing this. In each bonus animal stage, you will find a large animal of the same type. Get this and your score will be doubled. Winky is at the top left of his cave, Rambi is at the top right, Expresso is also at the extreme top right and Enguarde is straight down from his starting point. Also remember that with Enguarde there are also three other secret rooms to help you collect bonus tokens. When on theEnguarde bonus level go Directly up left right and down to get to secret rooms. Contributed by: Robert N. Ward Source: Unknown
50 Lives:
Cheat codes:
Contributed by: Rock Kirkham Source: Unknown
Easy Level: Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002 |