ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Genesis - John Madden's Football 92
Super Bowl Codes:
Here's a whole load of codes to put you straight into the Super Bowl. We've given you loads of different teams so you can choose your favorites.Code | Player vs. CPU |
BOBOG5NJ | Washington vs. Buffalo | DGDGK262 | Green Bay vs. Buffalo | DSBJR2TY | Green Bay vs. Oakland | CPFNZDSM | Oakland vs. Minnesota | DKB1RXSC | Detroit vs. Oakland | CZYO4OHZ | Detroit vs. Kansas | BHL5Z06D | Detroit vs. San Diego | BH5YRKD8 | Cleveland vs. New Orleans | CSS2LS17 | Pheonix vs. Houston | B6BLCL3H | Pheonix vs. Buffalo |
Contributed by: FutureNet Source: Unknown
Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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