ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Genesis - VectormanTwo Codes for Vectorman: When the Sega logo appears, shoot the Sega sign 24 times. After that, hit the Sega sign with your head using your blasters on yourfeet 12 times. A hidden game will begin. If you collect at least 90 letters, you warp to day 5. If you get at least 110 letters, youwarp to day 10. When game is paused press C, A, Left, Left, A, C, A, B(call a cab). You will turn into a arrow. Contributed by: Quinn Lincoln Source: Unknown
Cheat Codes: At the beginning of the game, pause and press C, A, L, L, A, C, A, B (call a cab) and then unpause the game, you should be an arrow. Flydown through the floor, you should see two TVs Use the code again and you should be Vectorman again. Shoot the first TVs andget it, you should be able to fly. Then change back into the arrow then change back into Vectorman, and you will be invincible. Pause the game and press A, B, R, A, C, A, D, A, B, R, A and your life will be full.
Slow Motion:
Cheat: Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002 |