ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Genesis - Jurassic Park
Level Select, sound test, & more:
- First, go to the password screen and enter the password 'NYUKNYUK'.
- Then enter the options screen and leave the options screen.
- Next, move the cursor up to 'Start'.
- Hold down A and press start. You should now be in the level select & sound test screen.
- During the game, you can now also use the second controler to move the player anywhere on the screen.Pressing A is slow motion, B restores health and weapons, I'm not sure what C does, and Start will reset the game.
Contributed by: Kevin Fleshman Source: Unknown
- As Grant on the river, the first time you really come face to face with the T-Rex hit him with a red concussion grenade, then flypast him.
- As Grant in the pumping station, when you find the pipe that is spraying gas go to the valve and press UP on the D-pad, Grantwill turn the gas off and your free to go up.
- Also in the pumping station, after you get the rockets, go down to the pipe opposite the bones and take the next Brachisaurshead down. Go down and jump off to the right at the last tube, the way you cross the hole is above you, there's a pole. Climb overthe hole by way of that.
- As the Raptor in the 5th level (Visitors Center) kick the doors open by pressing UP.
Contributed by: Scott McKinney Source: Unknown
As Doctor Grant: Note: You get alot of weapons with these passwords Level 1: 0HHNSIDK (Easy) 0VVVVVTO0RJTRMA6 (Normal) 0VVVVVUP08BI9UR7 (Hard) 0VVVVVVQ Level 2:
2BINHKE9 (Easy) 2VVVVVTQ277166RO (Normal) 2VVVVVUR2QMH7DB2 (Hard) 2VVVVVVS Level 3:4LBVGIIN (Easy) 4VVVVVTQ4BFP64V0 (Normal) 4VVVVVUT4SNP67FC (Hard) 4VVVVVVU Level 4:66RHEH2P (Easy) 6VVVVVTS64DHCDEF (Normal) 6VVVVVUV6QLNTNRR (Hard) 6VVVVVV0 Level 5:8KN0SHUU (Easy) 8VVVVVTU85BGLNTH (Normal) 8VVVVVU18DCIDDR8 (Hard) 8VVVVVV2 Level 6:A717MUP6 (Easy) AVVVVVT2AH745EJC (Normal) AVVVVVU3A6C8EDJI (Hard) AVVVVVV4 Level 7:CPLPHMMG (Easy) CVVVVVT4C7UBL67U (Normal) CVVVVVU5C7DH56B7 (Hard) CVVVVVV6 As The Raptor:Level 1: G21G0014 (Easy)G21G0025 (Normal)G21G0036 (Hard) Level 2:I21G0016 (Easy)I21G0027 (Normal)I21G0038 (Hard) Level 3:K21G0018 (Easy)K21G0029 (Normal)K21G003A (Hard) Level 4:M21G001A (Easy)M21G002B (Normal)M21G003C (Hard) Level 5:O21G001C (Easy)O21G002D (Normal)O21G003E (Hard)
Contributed by: Scott McKinney Source: Unknown
Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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