ProcrastinationLand Cheat Codes - Genesis - James Pond 2: Robocod
Level Select:
On the title screen, hold Down, Left, A, and C together, then press Start. You should now have complete level selection.
Contributed by: Anonymous Source: Unknown
Infinite Lives:
Go to the Sports level and cross two sets of spikes to get to the large tennis ball. You should now see five objects. Collect them inthis order: Lips, Ice Cream, Violin, Earth, Snowman (LIVES). You will now have infinite lives.
Contributed by: Anonymous Source: Unknown
Level Skip:
To skip to the end of your current level, do the above trick (CHEAT) and then pause the game and press A, B, A, and B. Whenyou unpause the game you will be in the next level.
Contributed by: Anonymous Source: Unknown
At the very start of the game, jump onto the roff and collect the object there in this order: Cake, Hammer, Earth, Apple, Tap(CHEAT). This will give you avout 10 minutes of invincibility.
Contributed by: Anonymous Source: Unknown
Template Last Updated: June 30, 2002
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Some images ©LucasArts
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