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Title: Puggsy Series World 6: Splinter Town This is the strangest level in the game!!! It's a bustling town. (It even has a rat selling newspapers!!! ;-D) Game Tip: To access the secret level "Pugs in Space," drop the key into the well in the first stage and you will get a coin. Repeat with the coin and you will open up a passageway to an alternate exit. In the bonus stage, grab the gun and shoot all the food as in Space Invaders. Wait a minute --- FOOD??!!??!! Note: I did not download this, I went through the pain and agony of creating it note-for-note! Created by Billy Shillito E-mail address: [email protected] Puggsy, Splinter Town, and all related characters and places are blah blah blah yadda yadda gobbledygook and so on etc....
Length: 3m 27s
File name: Music\MIDI\Pace\midi2\Puggsy\splinter.mid
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