View Song
Title: Sonic Triple Trouble: Sunset Park Zone Act 3 [Seq. by: John Weeks]
Artist/Copyright: This MIDI was sequenced and is owned by John Weeks [2001]; the original version of this song is © 1994 by SEGA
Length: 1m 30s
File name: Music\MIDI\Pace\midi2\Sonic Triple Trouble\stt_gg_01.mid
Detected Tone Generator: GM
Tone Generator:
MU2000EX (GM Reset)
MU2000EX (GM Reset+Native)
MU2000EX (GS Reset)
MU2000EX (GS Reset+Native)
MU2000EX (XG Reset)
MU2000EX (XG Reset+Native)
SC8850 (CM64 Map)
SC8850 (GM)
SC8850 (SC55 Map)
SC8850 (SC88 Map)
SC8850 (SC88Pro Map)