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Title: SFA2, ZangiefMix
Artist/Copyright: The Big Guy!!! The Original Cyclone!!! The Fury of Mother Russia!!! And this tune? Oh dear. Not exactly "Cossak" material is it? Original tune from SFA2 which is yet again (c) Capcom Final... Atomic... BUSTERRRR!!!! Sean Bee 2000
Length: 3m 45s
File name: Music\MIDI\Pace\midi2\Street Fighter Alpha 2\Zangremix.mid
Detected Tone Generator: GM
Tone Generator:
MU2000EX (GM Reset)
MU2000EX (GM Reset+Native)
MU2000EX (GS Reset)
MU2000EX (GS Reset+Native)
MU2000EX (XG Reset)
MU2000EX (XG Reset+Native)
SC8850 (CM64 Map)
SC8850 (GM)
SC8850 (SC55 Map)
SC8850 (SC88 Map)
SC8850 (SC88Pro Map)