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Title: "UNIVERSE He No Tobikomi" [ Anime Remix ] -= Guardian Legend =- Sequenced to MIDI by Tsu Ryu and K. Manami
Artist/Copyright: Miyamo Shant - Irem/Compile of Japan 1988
Length: 3m 50s
File name: Music\MIDI\Valerie\Guardian Legend - Anime Opening Remix.mid
Detected Tone Generator: MU80
Tone Generator:
MU2000EX (GM Reset)
MU2000EX (GM Reset+Native)
MU2000EX (GS Reset)
MU2000EX (GS Reset+Native)
MU2000EX (XG Reset)
MU2000EX (XG Reset+Native)
SC8850 (CM64 Map)
SC8850 (GM)
SC8850 (SC55 Map)
SC8850 (SC88 Map)
SC8850 (SC88Pro Map)