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Title: QUEST STUDIOS - THE SIERRA SOUNDTRACK SERIES SILPHEED - THE SOUNDTRACK Roland Sound Canvas GS Version Recorded/edited/compiled/converted by Tom Lewandowski
[email protected]
Special thanks to Eric Wing, Mark Farinas, and John R. Johns II for providing save game files for SILPHEED. April 1999 IMPORTANT NOTE: Sound Canvas must contain the Roland MT-32 variation tone set for proper playback!
Length: 21m 41s
File name: Music\MIDI\QuestStudios\SILPGS.MID
Detected Tone Generator: GS
Tone Generator:
MU2000EX (GM Reset)
MU2000EX (GM Reset+Native)
MU2000EX (GS Reset)
MU2000EX (GS Reset+Native)
MU2000EX (XG Reset)
MU2000EX (XG Reset+Native)
SC8850 (CM64 Map)
SC8850 (GM)
SC8850 (SC55 Map)
SC8850 (SC88 Map)
SC8850 (SC88Pro Map)